Another world first for CUT UK! We were delighted to complete the cutting of all scopes on the Shell UK Brent Alpha jacket, including world record cuts of the three 288” (7.3m) diameter platform legs. The largest diameter offshore jacket cuts ever completed in a single pass. Heerema said “The Brent Alpha jacket removal presented … Continue reading Brent Alpha Decommissioning
Tyra East & West Decommissioning
CUT UK were delighted to complete diamond wire cutting scopes for CONBIT on the Tyra East and Tyra West decommissioning projects. CUT completed 12 cuts utilising our 30”, 64” and 120” diamond wire cutting machines. These cuts were performed on jacket legs, braces and columns. We were very proud to successfully complete these scopes for … Continue reading Tyra East & West Decommissioning
Studlink Chain Cutting
CUT UK have completed 18 cuts of studlink chain, 142mm OD, grade R3S, for our valued client using our 6.5″ chain cutter. Whether it’s chains, bend restrictors, pipes or platform legs, CUT UK have the experience and knowledge to ensure your project goes smoothly.
Jotun A Studless Chain Cutting
CUT UK chain cutter being deployed to cut Jotun A 130mm studless chains, summer 2020. CUT UK can cut any target from the smallest chains to the largest platform legs.
Eastern Mediterranean Pile Cutting
Our 30″ diamond wire cutting machine in action in May 2020, cutting a 26″ pile in the Eastern Mediterranean water for our valued client. First mobilisation of this project completed, and more to go.
South East Asia Platform Cutting
19 diamond wire cuts successfully completed in South East Asia by CUT UK in Q1 2020. Well done team. All Operations completed safely and in line with COVID 19 regulations.
North Sea Platform Grouted Leg Cutting
Another successful north sea project completed in 2019, with 4 platform legs cut using our new 72” diamond wire cutting machine, utilising CUT UKs patented step cutting technique. CUT have exclusive use of a patent for castellated/step cuts (patent 2464482). Therefore, we are the only diamond wire cutting specialist who can provide the castellated/step cut … Continue reading North Sea Platform Grouted Leg Cutting
Miller Platform Decommissioning
CUT Group are pleased to inform of successful completion of a Diamond wire cutting scope project for the decommissioning of the Miller platform. A range of DWCMs were deployed which included 18”, 30”, 50”, 74” and Modular 120” DWCMs. In total CUT UK completed 66 cuts which included platform legs, braces, risers and Caissons. The … Continue reading Miller Platform Decommissioning